Mothers for Mothers
The Gatehouse Centre
Hareclive Road
BS13 9JN

Charity commission Num: 1185281
Companies House: 08764052

Office number – 0117 239 7398
Monday – Friday

Helpline – 01179 359 366
Mon-Fri 10.00am – 9.00pm

Other organisations
Action against racism
Client charter

Mothers for Mothers is committed to providing a safe environment for all our team members, and clients, free from threats, physical violence, intimidation, harassment, verbal abuse discrimination, bias, microaggressions, racism or coercion. We ask that everyone accessing or working in our services respect this.

We fully support and encourage anyone who is experiencing/has experienced, or has witnessed, any form of discrimination, harassment, bullying or microaggressions, to come forward and report to our CEO and to receive support and advice; no act is considered too small to be addressed and investigated by our EEDI group with appropriate action taken.