7 Top Tips for Pregnancy After 35

A woman’s fertility peaks in her early 20s, however, most women choose to wait until they are older to start a family. Pregnancies after 35 are becoming increasingly common as many women choose to advance their careers, explore the dating pool, and make the most of their 20s before having a baby. 

According to The National Childbirth Trust, “Getting pregnant at an older age may have its advantages. You might be more financially stable than you were when you were younger, and have more life experiences to bring to parenting.”

However, age is not on a woman’s side and the older she gets the lower her chances of conceiving naturally and carrying a pregnancy to full term become. If you are 35 or older and hoping to get pregnant, this article is for you. We will be sharing our top tips for pregnancy after 35.


Getting Pregnant After 35

You have probably heard that once you reach the age of 35 your chances of getting pregnant naturally decrease. While this is true, around 6 out of 10 women who are aged 35 will conceive naturally within one year if they are having regular unprotected sex every 2 to 3 days. 

There are many reasons why women prefer to delay pregnancy until later in life. These include, but aren’t limited to; the fears linked to childbirth, personal anxieties, past trauma or abuse they’ve experience, and other mental health concerns. With this in mind, we suggest approaching pregnancy with self-care in mind. Just because it can be more challenging for a woman to get pregnant after 35 doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Here are our top tips for pregnancy after 35.


Tops Tips for Pregnancy After 35

Women over the age of 35 are more likely to develop conditions such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia than younger women. However, while this can be disheartening, these conditions are more than manageable and there are certain steps you can take to reduce your risk.

Talk with Your Healthcare Provider

If you are 35 or older it is recommended you talk with your healthcare provider about getting pregnant and what you can do to increase your chances of conception. This is also a good opportunity to discuss lifestyle changes that might increase your overall health, fertility, and chances of carrying a pregnancy successfully to full term. 

Talking with your healthcare provider also gives you the chance to ask any questions and share any concerns you may have at this time. Your feelings are valid and it’s important to share what’s on your mind. This will help reduce your stress and protect your mental health in the long term.

Attend Your Midwife Appointments

When you are pregnant, it is vital that you attend your midwife appointments.
According to the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE), “Antenatal care is important for positive pregnancy outcomes and for the wellbeing of the mother and baby.”

Prenatal visits are a chance for you to meet with your midwife, discuss your health and talk through your concerns. During your appointment, your midwife will also carry out standard urine and blood tests and monitor your and your baby’s health to ensure your pregnancy is progressing well. Many women find that their prenatal visits offer reassurance during an exciting and anxious time.

As you come to the end of your pregnancy, your midwife will also discuss your contraception options post-birth. While sex may be the last thing on your mind, it is helpful to know the choices available to you so that you can stay in control of your family planning. 

Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet

Eating a healthy diet is essential for all pregnant women and birthing people. This means eating plenty of fruit and vegetables as well as iron-rich foods, and small portions of fish and meat.

When you are pregnant, your body needs more calcium, vitamin D, iron, folic acid, and other essential nutrients to support your and your baby’s health. As a result, you should take a folic acid supplement to make sure you’re getting everything you need during your pregnancy.

Avoid Overeating

A common myth surrounding pregnancy is that women need to “eat for 2”. This is simply not true. In fact, according to the NHS, “You will probably find that you are more hungry than usual, but you do not need to “eat for 2” – even if you are expecting twins or triplets […] Eating healthily often means changing the amounts of different foods you eat, so that your diet is varied, rather than cutting out all your favourites.” 

If you are feeling hungrier than usual throughout the day, focus on eating more filling meals and limit snacks to healthy options such as fruit, rice crackers, or low-sugar cereal bars.

Get Plenty of Exercise

Staying active during pregnancy is important for a healthy pregnancy. Not only does physical exercise keep you fit and healthy, it also improves your mental health.

During pregnancy, it is important to partake in low-impact exercise on a regular basis. Exercises such as walking, swimming, aerobics, dancing, yoga, and pilates are all great ways to stay active and enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

According to the National Childbirth Trust, “for many people, a certain level of activity can improve you and your baby’s health while you’re pregnant. It can also mean that you have a shorter labour with fewer complications.” So, put on those shoes and get outside for some physical activity. It could make all the difference!

Manage Chronic Conditions

Women over the age of 35 are more likely to develop conditions such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia than younger women. However, while this can be disheartening, these conditions are more than manageable and there are certain steps you can take to reduce your risk.

For example, if your midwife discovers you have elevated blood pressure during your appointments, you can work together to reduce your blood pressure safely. This may involve doing moderate exercise and reducing your stress (to name a few things). By taking actionable steps and monitoring your progress, you can significantly reduce your risk of such conditions developing and enjoy a healthy pregnancy.

Prioritise Getting Enough Sleep

Now, we know that is easier said than done. According to The Sleep Foundation, “for many women, sleep can be evasive during pregnancy. Physical discomfort, changing hormones, and excitement and anxiety about being a new mother lead to a host of sleep problems. In fact, it’s believed that at least 50% of pregnant women suffer from insomnia.” 

So, if you are having trouble getting a good night’s sleep and you feel it’s starting to impact your wellbeing, you are not alone! 

However, sleep is an essential part of a healthy pregnancy and practicing positive mental health. Your body is growing a baby and that takes a lot of work and can impact many part of your wellbeing. So, it’s essential to get as much rest as you can. 

A few things you could try including in your self-care routine:

  • Sticking to a consistent bedtime routine
  • Having a bath before bed
  • Limiting screen time before sleep
  • Schedule naps earlier in the day
  • Get plenty of outdoor time
  • Exercise during the day
  • Stay hydrated

Ideally, you should aim for around 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. This should help you wake feeling well-rested and ready to start another day. You might find it takes time to get into a good nighttime routine but prioritising healthy sleep habits is one of the best things you can do during pregnancy.


In Summary

As you can see, there are numerous things to consider when you are pregnant after 35. Having a baby after 35 is exciting, however, it can also be a time full of worry. We hope the tips in this article help reduce some of the stress you’ve been feeling and support you in taking proactive steps towards a healthier, happier pregnancy.

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