Chief Executive Officer
Maria has been a client, volunteer, Trustee and was the Chair of Trustees for 6 years before becoming CEO in June 2018.
Maria had a moderate perinatal illness after the birth of her second son and began to use Mothers for Mothers helpline, groups and counselling service. During her pregnancy with her daughter she became more ill and was severely ill after her birth. Mothers for Mothers continued to support Maria through this until she had fully recovered.
Maria is a member of the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists Women’s Network and the Women’s Voices Panel. She is a member of the RCOG lay faculty and a lay examiner. Maria enjoys her role at the College and fully supports the aim to improve women’s health in the UK and globally. She also sits on the National Maternity and Perinatal Audit Perinatal Mental Health Sprint Audit advisory group.
Maria’s Patient and Public Involvement began in 2006 and she is currently the PPI Lead at the Tommy’s National Centre for Maternity Improvement.
Maria is an expert by experience and a Maternal Mental Health Alliance Everyone’s Business Campaign Champion.
In her spare time Maria enjoys walking her dog and landscape art.